André L.G. Mandolesi

Last update: March 08, 2024

Professor at UFBA Department of Mathematics

Research group:
Differential Geometry and Mathematical Physics (see also the CNPQ-certified page )

Curriculum vitae:


Professional address: Departamento de Matemática - Instituto de Matemática e Estatística - Universidade Federal da Bahia - Campus de Ondina, Av. Milton Santos, S/N, Ondina - CEP: 40.170.110 - Salvador/BA

Room: 255

Citations and indicators of research impact:
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Research Interests: Mathematical Physics, Differential Geometry, Grassmann and Clifford Geometric Algebras, Foundations of Quantum Mechanics

  • Geometria Assimétrica da Grassmanniana Total e Aplicações
  • Geometria Hermitiana Linear e Álgebra de Grassmann Complexa com Aplicações na Mecânica Quântica

Published Works:
  1. MANDOLESI, A.L.G. Blade products and angles between subspaces. Adv. Appl. Clifford Algebras 31, 69 (2021)
  2. MANDOLESI, A.L.G. Quantum fractionalism: the Born rule as a consequence of the complex Pythagorean theorem. Phys. Lett. A 384 (28), 126725 (2020)
  3. MANDOLESI, A.L.G. Projection factors and generalized real and complex Pythagorean theorems. Adv. Appl. Clifford Algebras 30, 43 (2020)
  4. MANDOLESI, A.L.G. Analysis of Wallace's Proof of the Born Rule in Everettian Quantum Mechanics II: Concepts and Axioms. Found. Phys. 49 (1), p. 24-52 (2019)
  5. MANDOLESI, A.L.G. Analysis of Wallace's Proof of the Born Rule in Everettian Quantum Mechanics: Formal Aspects. Found. Phys. 48 (7), p. 751-782 (2018)
  6. MANDOLESI, A.L.G. Teoria da Informação, da Física Clássica à Quântica. In: Freire Jr., O.; Greca, I.M.; El-Hani, C.N.. (Org.). Ciência na transição dos séculos - Conceitos, práticas e historicidade. 1ed. Salvador: EDUFBa, v. 1, p. 127-164 (2014)


  1. MANDOLESI, A.L.G. Multivector Contractions Revisited, Part II (2024) arXiv:2401.11299 [math.GM]
  2. MANDOLESI, A.L.G. Multivector Contractions Revisited, Part I (2022) arXiv:2205.07608 [math.GM]
  3. MANDOLESI, A.L.G. Asymmetric Geometry of Total Grassmannians (2023) arXiv:2310.17865 [math.MG]
  4. MANDOLESI, A.L.G. Asymmetric Metrics on the Full Grassmannian of Subspaces of Different Dimensions (2022) arXiv:2208.05026 [math.AG]
  5. MANDOLESI, A.L.G. Grassmann angle formulas and identities (2020) arXiv:2005.12700 [math.GM]
  6. MANDOLESI, A.L.G. Grassmann angles between real or complex subspaces (2019) arXiv:1910.00147 [math.GM]
  7. MANDOLESI, A.L.G. Everettian Decoherent Histories and Causal Histories (2018) arXiv:1704.01173 [quant-ph]